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Our Services

Workplace Investigations


Employers are frequently required to conduct investigations of misconduct in the workplace. Independent, prompt and thorough investigation of a harassment or discrimination claim is crucial. An incomplete, inaccurate or biased investigation can actually aggravate the problem and increase the employer’s potential liability. The employer should, therefore, select an unbiased, well-trained individual who not only understands employment law, but also knows how to properly conduct an investigation.  We offer independent, prompt and thorough investigative services regarding claims of discrimination and misconduct in the workplace. FWC’s HR consultants have years of experience in conducting independent investigations in:


    Discipline & discharge


    Drug/alcohol use in the workplace

    Employee/supervisor misconduct

    Hiring procedures
    Performance appraisals

    Workplace harassment

    Theft of property

    Threatening or violent behavior

    Workplace safety



HR Audit & Compliance Assessment


Many companies do not recognize the vital role of Human Resources until a crisis occurs. Once involved in employment litigation, employers soon realize their liabilities and obligations regarding employment related statutes and regulations. Failure to recognize potential causes of action for wrongful discharge, employment discrimination, pay discrimination and other non-compliance issues regarding federal and state employment laws can produce disastrous results.


We recommend performing a comprehensive assessment of your human resource department, an HR audit, to determine the current level of compliance as a starting point for managing the HR functions. Our HR audit will identify areas of efficiency, as well as reveal areas of needed improvement and provide recommendations to meet those needs.


    HR audit/HR compliance assessment

​    Summary analysis

    Prioritized recommendations



Workforce Training


We offer a wide range of customized training solutions to enhance the effectiveness of your workforce. We recognize the importance of tailoring programs to the specific needs of individual companies and will work with your company to customize program designed around your objectives.





    Attitudes and behaviors

    Organizational development

    Management assessment

    Skills and abilities



Disciplinary Actions


Discipline and termination are not pleasant to discuss. While they are critical to the employment process, they can also open the door to a plethora of risk. Most employee claims and lawsuits arise from incidents of employment discipline and termination. Discipline attacks an individual’s judgment, character and self-esteem. When self-esteem is bruised, people react defensively. As such, an employer must approach the issues of employee discipline and termination very carefully.



    Policy development

    Counseling/coaching supervisors & managers



​​Compensation Strategy


Compensation studies are a service in which we assist organizations in applying fundamental consulting disciplines to the identification and evaluation of appropriate market pay data, internal worth of jobs/positions, organizational considerations, and current fiscal resources to determine recommended job/position classifications and a structured plan of pay level ranges.


We can help define positions, wage guidelines and incentive packages to give your business an advantage while maintaining internal and external equity. Typically, the major elements of a compensation study include the following:


    Evaluating the company/organization's situation and need

    Conducting interviews

    Reviewing/writing job/position descriptions

    Conducting internal evaluations

    Ranking the jobs/positions

    Obtaining and analyzing competitive data

    Revising/recommending a base compensation plan

    Quantifying the impact of recommended pay adjustments

    Recommending pay administration guidelines

    Documenting findings and recommendations in a report

    Bonus/Incentive Programs

    Salary Surveys

    Compensation Policy

    Pay Scale Design

    Wage Increase Guidelines

    Compensation Strategy




Employee Handbooks/Policies


An update-to-date, legal handbook is essential for all businesses - large or small. An employee handbook communicates policies, benefits and work standards to all employees in a single document. It provides an appropriate means through which the employer can disseminate legally required policies, such as anti-harassment, family and medical leave or drug testing policies. It also provides valuable guidance for supervisors regarding the implementation and enforcement of company policies. This promotes uniform and consistent treatment of employees, thus reducing the risk of discriminatory treatment Internal policies and procedures can mean the difference between effective and ineffective management.


We can help you design the internal procedures behind your handbook policies and train your managers and supervisors in their part of the process. We can audit your current handbook or develop a customized handbook to ensure your content is current, relevant and required. Whether it’s just one policy you need to add or an entire handbook, our experienced staff will assist you in developing clear and appropriate policies that are up-to-date and tailored for your industry and company culture.


    Audit existing employee handbooks & policies

    Protecting at-will status
    Legal & regulatory compliance

    Communication to employees




Employee Motivation & Recognition Programs


Implementing an employee recognition program is the secret to increasing employee morale and addressing ongoing needs for employee retention and employee reward. Inspire better employee performance and bottom line profits by identifying new ways to demonstrate your appreciation to your employees. We can help build reward and recognition systems which contributes to employee motivation, positive morale and retention. Have confidence that the special contributions in your organization get the recognition they deserve.


    Design, development & implementation

​    Employee orientation & on-boarding programs

    Retention strategies​




Employee Surveys


Are your employees satisfied with their jobs? Do your employees feel a sense of loyalty to your organization? Do you know the in-depth reasons why employees are terminating their employment relationships with your organization? Studies have shown that satisfied employees are better performers and therefore, high customer satisfaction and employee satisfaction are closely linked. Employees with positive attitudes can have a positive affect on co-workers as well as customers. We can develop, administer and present confidential surveys to improve working relationships and increase productivity. It is essential that organizations uncover the source of employees' dissatisfaction and the reason for turnover, because turnover costs can range from 25% to 200% of the employee's total annual compensation.


    Preparing customized survey

    Analyzing and Summarizing Results

    Identifying Areas of Concern

    Providing Recommendations




​Hiring Strategies & Procedures



Staffing decisions are too important to be left to chance. Often times, businesses experience personnel problems simply because they assume they do not need to use formal hiring practices. Any operation, regardless of size, can benefit from developing and implementing policies related to hiring.


​    Creation of standard procedures

    Recruitment strategies

    EEO & rederal-contract compliance

    Pre-employment screening

    Applicant testing

    Interviewing process

    Selection tools

    Use of staffing & placement services



Job Analysis/Job Descriptions


The job description is one of the primary tools for coordinating the employer’s human resource program and communicating job requirements to employees. We prepare job descriptions that facilitate accurate comparisons of job duties and wage rates, while complying with applicable legislation such as the Fair Labor Standards Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act.


    Conduct job analysis

    Identifying essential functions

    Job requirements

    Performance expectations

    ADA compliance



Performance Management


Performance appraisals can be a chore, both for the manager doing the evaluation and the HR representative coordinating the effort and ensuring timeliness in the process. We can help you design an easy but comprehensive evaluation process and train your team. Our systems give employees the information they need to improve performance, set goals and achieve them.


​    Development of evaluation/appraisal program

    Basing appraisal systems on job descriptions

    Defining expectations & ratings

    Developing effective strategies for promotion, reward & retention










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